Here is the second prototype that I've done,
I've downloaded some images from the internet and do some editing, but most of the images I draw it myself in Ai. I used these images for my prototype, the design is actually not confirm yet, these are just for the use of this prototype.
Ai Files |
I added my character, title, pipes, score board, notice boards and buttons into the actor list.
Actors |
Then I inserted background and fore background image into the background list.
Background |
I also added some sound effects into it.
Sound effects |
Then I inserted the behaviours that I downloaded from Stencyl Forge.
Behaviours of the prototype |
After added all the things I need, I started to do my prototype. First I create a scene called "Title", I drag my title design and button into the scene.
Title Scene |
Then I used one of the behaviour in this scene to make the scene jump to the game scene when the player tap or click on the "Play" button, it also included the transition for it.
Behaviour - Switch scene and start |
After that, I create another scene called "Scene 1", it's the game scene, I started from added the background images into the scene then adjusted the gravity of the scene.
Background |
Gravity |
Then I dragged in my character and floor into the scene.
Scene 1 |
Here comes the most difficult part, the event of the scene. I have tried using two different event in this scene, first I used the most common event, I dragged in the pipes into the scene and just simply set it like:
1. When the cupid touched the pipes, game over.
2. When the cupid hits the floor, game over.
But I found out that this is a stupid mistake, because I need to dragged in as many pipes as I can into the scene, this make the game became so lagging and there is a possibilities of breaking the game when the player passes though all the pipes that I added to the scene.
Then I figured it out by using the timer event, the pipe will appear automatically in every 2 seconds, so I no need to drag in any pipe into the scene and cause terrible lagging, and the game became endless, it will game over only when the player hit the pipe or floor.
Event |
I added drawing event into the scene to show the score when the player is playing the game.
Show score |
I also added actor event into the scene, when the character died, the scene will automatically jump to the game over scene and save the score. The score that saved will be showing when it's jump to the game over scene.
Actor event and save score |
At last, I create the last scene called "Game Over", I did it as same as the "Title" scene, just dragged in the title, score board and the play button. Then added in the behaviour that I used in the "Title" scene.
Game Over |
The only different was I added some drawing event into the scene for the game score. There are two event in the scene, one is for showing current score and another one is for showing the highest score.
Highest score |
Current score |
That's all for my second prototype, I will be more focus on my design next time.