Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Conclusion

I've change few design for the game because of the limitation of Stencyl.
At first I wanted to create three buttons on the game menu page (1st Scene),
for story, how to play and game page.
But I found out that I can't enter the another 2 page, it keeps enter the game page only.
There's no problem with the event coding I put,
I can't fix this problem so I have to figure out another way.
Then I came out this:
I combine the game page with the guide page, so I can avoid the problem.
By the way, in the previous consultation with my lecturer,
he suggested to make a countdown timer before the game starts,
but unfortunately there is no tutorial for this,
and I can't figure out the way to do it,
so I create a invisible button on top of the game,
to let the player tap or click on the screen to start the game,
so they would not lose the game before they even get ready.

These are the obstacles that I redesigned, I use my dearest lecturers' faces for it.
It actually looks cute, the main reason of this is because my previous design is so boring...
I want this game to be special, so I decided to use their faces,
will remind me of the rest of assignments....
Thanks to one of my classmate, Kenny for helping me to did this recording for my game, I played with the pitch and reduce the background sound. The recordings is actually recorded by my iPhone, so there are some background noise... Luckily I can fixed it, can't hear any background sound when it played with my game background music.
Insert the music part is the second worst nightmare (Timer is the worst nightmare) for me, because it happened 2 background music when change scene. I insert the stop all music event on the top and loop music on the bottom but can't work... It really stop all the sound... But it fixed when I inserted the fade in music event.
Here is the game will be look like:

Stencyl is a new software that I never touch before this semester, people used to said that Stencyl is very easy to use because it doesn't need any coding.
This is actually not true, I did used coding for my scene behaviour,
it is for the transition when the player tap on the buttons.
Looking back of my posts, I didn't really tot of learning stencyl from the beginning.
Because no one will help me when I have problems using stencyl,
my classmates are all using metaio creator, adobe edge and muse,
when they have problem the lecturer can help them,
but for me... When I have problem, the only way of solving is search internet,
find tutorial myself or ask question in the stencyl developer forum.
It's really all by my own, this is the price I need to pay for chosen to be so unique.

But I do learned a lot in this semester, I learned the important of time management, I learned to be more independent and think out of the box.
Because when internet can't help me to fix those errors,
then I force myself to stop thinking of that issue and find a new way that similar with I want.

I think my strength is...
1. Good in research
2. Creative Idea

I said I'm good in research because I did something extreme when I wanna learn those game events in Stencyl. Those tutorials video teach very less event. What I did was I go download all the sample game in the Stencyl website and open it just to study their game event.

My threats while producing this game is just like I mentioned it earlier, there is lack of tutorial videos using stencyl, most of the game event function is unclear, no one explain it to me, even the behaviour also very less. I need to try it on my own just to understand it...

Time management I think is my weakness, if I could have done it earlier, I won't be awake until now...

Click here to download my game "Stupid Cupid"

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